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Worship is one of the many ways we express our thanks to God for His many blessings. In worship, God also helps us to grow in faith, refocuses our hearts and minds of Christ, and strengthens us for daily living.  We encourage all beleivers to worship our God regularly as an expression of our gratitude, and an important part of our relationship with Him.

Recent & Upcoming Services

Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-702844.  All rights reserved.

We strive to use our gifts and the best resources available to support people in their faith.  To inquire about our services and sermons and/or the resources used to produce them please contact us through our church office.  To God Be the Glory!

Sunday Worship Services - 9:00am

Sunday - 10/20/24
Worship Handout

Sunday - 10/27/24
Worship Handout

Sunday - 11/03/24
Worship Handout

Dear Online Worshipers:  We were disappointed to have unexpected technical issues that resulted in streaming problems, especially during Holy Week.  We contacted our internet provider, who has taken steps to help address the issues.  We also continue to work to make technology improvments to minimize any future disruptions in your ability to join us  for worship online when you can't do so in person. Thank you for being patient with us and letting us know when you encounter such streaming problems, so we can try to address them.  If problems persist, please keep checking back, as we will make every effort to make corrections as quickly as possile when we discover them.     Thank you again for your patience and being a part of our worshiping community.

Lent Worship Services - 7:00pm

Ash Wednesday - 2/14/24
Worship Handout

Wednesday - 2/21/24
Worship Handout

Wednesday - 2/28/24
Worship Handout

Wednesday - 3/6/24
Worship Handout

Wednesday - 3/13/24
Worship Handout

Wednesday - 3/20/24
Worship Handout

Sermon Archive
More Worship Opportunities

Watch ""Worship Anew" Services online or on TV in Northwest Indiana

on WPWR 50 (CW) Sunday 8:00 a.m.

(also check dish and cable listing)

Maundy Thursday - 3/28/24
Worship Handout

Good Friday - 3/29/24
Worship Handout

Easter - 3/31/24
Worship Handout

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