Service Among God’s People
Faith Memorial Lutheran Church prides itself on many opportunities for members of the congregation.
Every communicant member of the congregation is encouraged to serve in these areas.
Assisting in the worship life of the congregation:
Acolyte- The acolyte, usually of high school or college age, assists in the communion services of the congregation.
Altar Guild- One member of the Altar Guild assists “behind the scenes” especially in the preparation and care of the bread and wine for the communion. Other members of the Altar Guild care for the paraments, altar hangings, robes, candles, and other items used in worship.
Communion Assistant- At least one lay person assists the pastor especially in the distribution of Holy Communion. Usually those who assist in this area are serving or who have served on the Board of Elders.
Intercessor- The prayers of the people are offered by a member of the congregation at each celebration of Holy Communion.
Lector- At all services one member of the congregation reads the lessons appointed of the day from the scriptures.
Usher- Ushers are needed for each service to assist in the distribution of worship materials, the gathering of the offerings, and the direction for Holy Communion.
Assisting specifically in the music life of the congregation:
Cantor- Cantors assist in the music of the worship service usually singing the psalms, verses, offertories, and other canticles.
Adult Choir- The Adult Choir sings for major festivals and on other occasions. Rehearsals are scheduled weekly.
Assisting in other areas of our life together:
Sunday School teacher- Sunday School teachers make a commitment of only 13 weeks at a time. Various age groups are available from two-years old through high school.
Ministry Team Members - Other members of the congregation are asked to serve as a part of various Minstry Teams. These teams include:
Worship and Music
Community & Outreach
Spiritual Care
Stewardship & Grounds
Everyone has something to contribute
to the life of the Church.
Join us as we serve the Lord together!
"For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ" -- 1 Corinthians 12:12