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Worship During COVID-19

Worship is one of the many ways we express our thanks to God for His many blessings. In worship, God also helps us to grow in faith, refocuses our hearts and minds of Christ, and strengthens us for daily living.  We encourage all beleivers to worship our God regularly as an expression of our gratitude, and an important part of our relationship with Him.



During Holy Week we will continue our study of  The Story.  Holy Week services and times are:

Palm Sunday - April 5

Drive-in at Faith Lutheran 9:00am

Streamed live & posted to:

Faith Lutheran YouTube


Good Friday - April 10

 Streamed live at 7:00pm

& posted to:

Faith Lutheran YouTube  


Easter -  April 12

Drive-in at Faith Lutheran 9:00am & 10:30am

Streamed live & posted to:

Faith Lutheran YouTube


Due to Covid-19 please print and bring handouts for Drive-In Services or use mobile devices to view.

Palm Sunday and Easter Drive-In Services

As many of you have heard by now we are doing something a little different for both Palm Sunday and Easter this year. Drive-in church! (not to be confused with drive-through church).


  • 4/5/20 (Palm Sunday) is at 9:00 am

  • 4/12/20 (Easter Sunday) is at 9:00am and 10:30am


(rain or shine) you are invited to join us in the Faith Lutheran parking lot for worship. This Worship has been has been communicated to and ok’d by the Porter County Sherrif and State health Department, based on the following plan.


  1. Everyone (except the few leading worship) should stay in their cars with windows closed throughout this time of the gathering

  2. For best view during worship, everyone that can should park in the main large back parking lot facing the double glass entry doors. (traffic attendants may be on hand to guide you.)

  3. The service will be broadcast via localized transmitter (to the parking lot area only) on channel 99.1)

  4. Pastor will lead worship from sidewalk or inside the entryway depending on weather. (Even if you cannot see the pastor you should be able to hear him on the radio in any parking space on the church property.)

  5. The service is a shortened service that should last no more than 40 min at most.

  6. Please check your email, Facebook, or our church web page to print off the order of service and bring this with you to worship.

  7. For safety reasons, bathrooms will not be available except in an extreme emergency.

  8. If you cannot attend, or do not feel it is wise to do so at this time, you can still worship with us via Facebook where we plan to live steam and post the service.


You are encourage to invite people to attend the service and to watch our Facebook as well.

Following Palm Sunday and Easter we will continue to have services either in this format or via Facebook. Watch your email, the church Facebook page and for more information.

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