Caring For Each Other
And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.' - Matthew 25:40
We are all called as the body of Christ to show the love of Christ by reaching out and helping those in need. As a individuals we seek to support each other and the community to the best of our ability. Below are some of the ways we also try to do this as a congregation.
Visits and Spiritual Care
Our pastor and congregation make it a priority to visit those in the hospital, those with limited mobility from their homes, and others as requested. Our desire is to bring spiritual, emotional, and sometimes other forms of support.
Please share with your needs or the needs of others, even if they think we already know about them.
Due to privacy laws, we may not know about your hospitalization unless you or a family member contacts us directly or unless you specifically request the hospital to notify us.
If you would appreciate a member or pastoral visit, please contact the church office. If leaving a message or sending an Email please include information including:
Your Name
The name of the person in need of care
Your contact information
Any other pertinent information you are able or willing to share
(In the case of a hospital stay this might include: the hospital, date, type of surgery, your arrival time, and the scheduled time of surgery.)
Thank you for helping us provide the best spiritual care we are able.